Thursday, November 18, 2010

Father Simon Visits Larkspur

Above: Father Simon Taabu in front of St. Patrick Parish. Below: Father Paul Arnoult and Father Simon before Saturday evening mass at St. Patrick Parish, November 6th, 2010.

The first week in November marked a very special occasion for Bridges of Promise. Father Simon came to town for a visit. What a busy weekend! We started with a celebratory dinner to commemorate our hard work in establishing our 501c3 status. The next day, we enjoyed a brunch with Luanne, Olivia of Dominican University and Millicent Tomkins who is one of our biggest supporters and hosts our annual Tanzania Tea Social. On his last day, we attended Water Hope's annual fundraiser where Father Simon was the guest of honor. Karen and I actually worked at the event as volunteers while Father Simon very easily mingled amongst the guests and said grace before dinner.

We had time to talk about our future plans, our summer 2011 trip to Tanzania, and again, to rejoice in the work we've accomplished to date.