
  • 5 Latrines built for the St Thomas Kindergarten in Rukora (2009)
  • 50 Mosquito nets for the Rulenge Orphanage (2009)
  • 30 pairs of shoes for orphans (2010)
  • Rain water catchment system for the Santa Clara Dispensary in Rukora ( 2010-11)
  • Fresh water well for the Santa Clara Girls’ Secondary School in Biharamulo (2011)
  • 55 orphan tuition scholarships for school in the Rulenge-Ngara Diocese (as of 2011)
  • Solar panels to provide the Rukora Parish Rectory with electricity (2011)                

  • Solar Panels for Rukora Parish church and facility
  • St Thomas Kindergarten School Stationery Store
  • Solar Panels for the Santa Clara Clinic in Rukora

Creekside Park
Larkspur, CA
4/ 2009, 4/2010 and 4/2011
Held a Portraits in the Park event in which three professional photographers donated their time and conducted portrait sessions for a donation to BOP. More than 40 participants attended and contributed donations toward tuition for orphans in Rulenge Tanzania

Dominican University Department of Nursing
San Rafael, CA
Continued partnership formed with the Department of Nursing in 2009 in which the Department and Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society raised funds through the sale of Ugandan Acholi Bead jewelry to purchase 30 mosquito bed nets for the Rulenge Orphanage and 30 pairs of shoes for Rulenge orphans.

Dominican University Department of Nursing
San Rafael, CA
Continued partnership formed with Department of Nursing in 2009 planning for future International Nursing Service Project in which Dominican nursing students and faculty will travel annually to the Rulenge-Ngara region to help provide public health services, support, and education. Target date for assessment trip to Tanzania is summer 2011.

Dominican University Department of Nursing
San Rafael, CA
Karen was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Dominican University Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Induction Ceremony. She presented an audience of over 150 people, made up of faculty, families and inductees, and audio-visual Power Point about the history, activities, projects, and goals of BOP. At this event, Karen invited nurses to become involved in helping the Rulenge-Ngara District in Tanzania, one of the most underserved communities in the world.

Dominican University Department of Nursing
San Rafael, CA
Held an on campus bake sale one day during finals week to raise funds for orphan tuition in Rulenge Tanzania, East Africa. Baked good were prepared and donated by St Patrick parishioners and other friends, neighbors and colleagues. Students and faculty from multiple university departments participated in the event by purchasing baked goods.

Martinez, CA
BOP brokered a partnership between the Rulenge Diocese and WaterHope to fund the construction of a rain water catchment system for a newly constructed dispensary clinic. The water system is the crucial project that will allow the clinic to operate in the community. It will provide clean, reliable water to the clinic and surrounding community.

St Patrick Parish, Larkspur, CA &
WaterHope Annual Banquet, Oakville, CA
Karen donated funds to BOP to bring Fr Simon Taabu, the priest who inspired us to help his impoverished community in Rulenge-Ngara District Tanzania and ultimate form BOP, to CA from IL (where he is in a PhD program).
At St Patrick’s, Fr Simon was able to update parishioners about BOP projects and get to know people personally.

At the WaterHope Annual Banquet, Fr Simon was the honored guest; he was able to personally meet WaterHopes founders, offer the blessing for the meal, and extend his gratitude for WaterHope’s funding of a rainwater catchment system in the community of Rukora.