Thursday, May 20, 2010

BOP Facilitates 20K Grant for Water Catchment System

On April, 16th, 2010 BOP learned that Water Hope generously granted the diocese of Rulenge, Tanzania $20,000 to fund the first stages of a critical water catchment system for their dispensary in Rukora. While the clinic has already been built, it cannot operate without water. This grant will fund the infrastructure and construction of one of three planned water catchment tanks. Depending upon donations received, it is Water Hope's plan to complete the project in 2011.

Needless to say, we are elated! It was one year ago that we first heard about Water Hope. Michelle Illoman, a mom who signed her daughter up for a portrait at our PIP fundraiser mentioned Tracy and Tom Tomkowitz, founders of Water Hope. She described their small family non-profit organization and their mission to bring water to third world communities. Shortly after the event, she introduced us to Tracy and Tom. Was this coincidence or divine guidance?

It seems every time we take one small step to accomplish one modest task, we are lead by something much bigger than ourselves. The horizon expands, and we follow a road we didn't imagine possible. Well, we knew improving the water system in Rulenge was possible, but we never dared to fathom we would be a part of its beginning in only one short year! We say "beginning" because a much larger water project needs funding. We are working to find aid that will help the community dig wells, providing sustainable resource for clean water. And we say "a part of" because we are conduits. BOP's work is collective. It takes many hands and hearts to bring a success like this to fruition. We believe Michelle's attendance at the 2009 PIP was divine guidance, and we know that same Power is still working in our lives, taking us exactly where we need to go.

The first water catchment system project for the dispensary is due to break ground this August. The first tank should be completed before October. We look forward to posting photos!

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