Wednesday, June 13, 2012

St. Gregory's Raises Over $28,000 to Support BOP!

Pretty much all Karen and I could do when we received the news one evening that the parishioners at St. Gregory raised over $28,000 to support BOP was sit there with our mouths wide open. Neither of us have ever been at such a loss for words. 

Earlier this winter, Father Paul Arnoult invited Bridges of Promise to make a presentation to the St. Gregory Global Partners Against Poverty Committee in hopes that we may be selected by the group to be the recipient of the church's annual Lenten project. Each year the committee selects a cause that supports the poor and the parish collects donations throughout the season of lent. 

We were humbled and honored this year when the GPAG committee selected BOP as its recipient and agreed to direct the funds to a water catchment tank system for the Benaco Women's and Children's Clinic in Rulenge-Ngara Tanzania which has an estimated cost of $10,500. The Lenten project was named Rain Catcher Water for Life.

Well, the parishioners quickly met the goal halfway through lent. That alone amazed us! Then, to everyone's surprise, an anonymous donor matched the funds raised, and yet the funds continued to come in accumulating to an astonishing $28,828.11! 

Not only are we able to fund the water catchment tank for the Benaco Women's and Children's clinic, but we're also able to fund a tank for the The Lourd's Women's and Children's Clinic and offer a small business grant to begin a book and stationary store for the St. Thomas Primary School in Rukora. These funds will generate sustainable income, save the women and young girls valuable time and improve nutrition for generations. 

We can not thank St. Gregory's parish enough for their outpouring of generosity and care and support in our mission to improve the health and welfare of our brothers and sisters in Tanzania. 

The Global Partners Against Poverty Committee along with Father Paul Arnoult and Deacon Steve Fox present Sandra Fazzino and Karen Schuster with the generous check donated by the parishioners of St. Gregory Church in San Mateo, CA. (In this photo: Deacon Steve & Barbara Fox, Jim & Madge Gough, Carol James, Marguerite Ott, Brian Sullivan, Bill Murray, Jill Daley, Tom Wainwright, Father Paul Arnoult, Karen Schuster, and Sandra Fazzino.)


These adorable girls, Lauren and Virginia, approached Karen and I after mass to let us know they were so inspired by our announcement of the St. Gregory Lenten project that they held a lemonade stand and raised $30! Their parents had attempted to teach them the concept of tithing, but instead Lauren and Virginia opted to donate all of their proceeds to BOP! We are BLOWN away by their spirit! Thank you, girls!


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